


Age : 14
CS Type: 1

Georgia was born on the 16th September 1993. She was a beautiful baby, had 10 fingers and toes but I had always thought something wasn’t quite right but could never pinpoint exactly what. She had some kyphosis and scoliosis and was always being sick. She didn’t grow very well and my concerns were finally taken seriously when she reached nine months. She was always a very happy and contented baby who could sleep for England during the day but not at night. She was diagnosed when she was about 18 months old with a skin test by a Geneticist. Our world fell apart and we have been trying to cope ever since. It has taken many years for us all to accept and to come to terms with. We take each day as it comes and try not to dwell too much on the future.

As many of you saw in Boston, Georgia adores babies and playing with other children, or rather bossing them about. She loves playing with her dolls, cutting and gluing bits of paper to anything and everything, streaming sticky tape across the house like a spider’s web. She thinks it is so funny to watch us as we scramble through it all. She adores the special school she goes to where everyone knows Georgia, she has lots of friends. I think her teachers have their work cut out trying to keep her in line. She can be quite naughty at times. She has a severe hearing loss but will only wear her aids at school. She loves to watch her favorite DVD’s such as the Teletubbies and Rosie and Jim. She loves being outdoors and going to the park and for walks, although she hates very windy days.

Georgia has had a few operations on her legs, to make them straighter to prolong her mobility. Her left foot was almost at a right angle and although she was determined to keep walking, she needed help. Now, as you have seen, she can move at quite a pace when she wants to. She doesn’t need to wear her splints much now.

Georgia has two beautiful older sisters, who adore her. She has two cats MiMI and Nellie who she loves tormenting. Georgia is a very sociable little girl who touches the heart of everyone who meets her.

Thank you for reading about our little Angel.

CS Child CS Child

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