Jesse James Bobbitt

11-8-90 ~ 2-2-95

Jesse was born Nov. 8, 1990 and was diagnosed with CS within a few months.  He was born with cataracts which were removed within weeks after his birth. These surgeries were the first of many surgeries and hospital stays he endured in his short life. The Kluge Children’s Rehabilitation Center (KCRC) in Charlottesville, VA was like his home away from home.

Jesse had seven surgeries in all including a gastrostomy and hip surgery to release his abductors.  He wore glasses and hearing aids and had a wheelchair. He also took medication for seizures. The G-tube worked very well for Jesse, so well, in fact, that he had to be changed from whole milk to skim milk. He was fat and happy and loved by all who knew him.

Richard Hill came into Jesse’s life and became his new Daddy, a very loving one at that, last year. Richard and Ruby, Jesse’s Mom, gave Jesse a baby brother on Nov. 21, 1994.  The boys would laugh together and sometimes laugh when the other one was crying! On Feb. 1, 1995, Jesse was swollen on one side when he woke up.  He was taken to the ER at the local hospital where it was discovered that his temperature was 93.7°.  He was sent home and Ruby was instructed to keep him wrapped up, which she did.  It was determined later that his body was shutting down.

The next day on February 2nd, Jesse was taken for his regular blood tests to keep a check on his seizure medication. His arm had to be warmed with a heating pad before the blood could be drawn.

Back at home, Ruby contacted Jesse’s doctor at KCRC who instructed her to bring him on to Charlottesville. While getting ready, Jesse began breathing hard and then just stopped.  He went peacefully at home with his Mom and baby brother, Richie. He is sorely missed.

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